If you take this workshop, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Explore how the "Conventional Paradigm" shows up in your life
  • Explore how the "Natural Paradigm" shows up in your life
  • Experience how living from your own Natural Paradigm might benefit your life

Three Lessons

This workshop is composed of three downloadable lessons that are intended to be completed in order. Each lesson can be done in less than an hour, but I encourage you to spend more time, and revisit each over and over again.

Lesson 1: The Conventional Paradigm

Welcome to the “real world”

Lesson 2: Your Natural Paradigm

Exploring your Natural Paradigm

Lesson 3:  A Tiny Transformation

A taste of living from your Natural Paradigm

I suggest allowing a week or so for the entire workshop, as each lesson is best done over the course of a day or two. If you’re excited or impatient, go ahead and run through all of them in one day (or one hour!), then go back and take more time to dig a bit deeper. Downloadable worksheets are provided; however, you may prefer writing in your own journal. 

