Welcome to this tiny workshop!

Thank you for exploring this tiny workshop from Wild Hazel!

This workshop will give you tiny peeks into the “Conventional Paradigm” and “Natural Paradigm”, and then a tiny taste of intentionally living from your Natural Paradigm. I hope this workshop will help you discover why tapping into the inspiration, creativity, and wisdom ​of your natural self allows you to be your best self — the one the world needs most. 

This workshop is composed of three lessons that are intended to be completed in order. Each lesson can be done in less than an hour, but I encourage you to spend more time, and revisit each over and over again.

Lesson 1: The Conventional Paradigm | Welcome to the “real world”

Lesson 2: Your Natural Paradigm | Exploring your Natural Paradigm

Lesson 3:  A Tiny Transformation | A taste of living from your Natural Paradigm

I suggest allowing a week or so to complete the workshop, as each lesson is best done over the course of a day or two. If you’re excited or impatient, go ahead and run through all of the lessons in one day (or one hour!), then go back and take your time to dig a bit deeper. Worksheets are provided; however, you may prefer writing in your own journal. 


~Denise DeLuca, Founder

  Wild Hazel LLC

The workshop is presented as a series of pages that you can look at online or download for use offline.

You can download the whole workbook to keep and revisit over and over.

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